

Every individual has unique needs, so UCSF offers a wide variety of programs to help with specific health 挑战和生活转变. If you desire specialists to weigh in on your case, seek a plan to manage your condition or require particular services, our programs provide expertise and support.

Advanced Donation Kidney Transplant Program

Find out how to be a living kidney donor for a loved one long before they need it, 肾脏代金券如何运作, and other surprising facts and kidney donation options.


加州大学旧金山分校健康 performs autopsies as a courtesy to UCSF doctors and the families of deceased UCSF patients. 了解更多 about the program here.


Pathology at UCSF offers a 脑部解剖服务 for patients who were treated by the Memory & Aging Center and were participants in ongoing research projects.

Breast Cancer Coordinated Diagnostic Evaluation

The Breast Cancer Coordinated Diagnostic Evaluation Program evaluates and diagnoses women and men with abnormal mammograms in one day.点击这里了解更多.


The 居家护理计划 at 加州大学旧金山分校健康 provides primary care medical services for homebound seniors in San Francisco. 了解更多 about the program here.


The 定心妊娠计划 at UCSF Women's Health Center takes women out of exam rooms and into groups for their prenatal care. 点击这里了解更多.

Dermatology - Visible Tumor Conference

The monthly dermatology tumor board, called the Visible Tumor Conference, evaluates patients with complicated, 先进的, 复发性和不寻常的皮肤肿瘤.


UCSF offers 先进的 prenatal imaging to evaluate fetal development and identify abnormalities early in pregnancy.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Tumor Board

In this ongoing video symposium for UCSF medical providers, 专家们深入, multidisciplinary discussions about HCC tumor cases (presented anonymously).


We provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment services when a fetus is threatened by hydrops fetalis, a dangerous buildup of fluid in the body.

Hyperacusis Patient Management Program

The Hyperacusis Patient Management Program is a service of the UCSF Audiology Clinic that provides treatment plans to meet individual needs of patients.

Listening and Communication Enhancement

Many people who experience hearing loss turn to hearing aids for help. Sometimes, hearing aids alone are not sufficient. 了解更多 about the program here.

Living Donor Liver Transplant Program

病人 needing a liver transplant may have the option to receive a portion of the liver of a living friend or relative. UCSF's program supports these patients and their donors through the process of evaluation, 移植与康复.


Our living kidney donor program creates options when transplant patients are waiting on a match. Willing donors may help a loved one or choose to help a stranger. 阅读更多.


More and more women are choosing to place their prenatal care, labor and delivery in the hands of a midwife, usually in a hospital rather than at home.

Multidisciplinary Approach to the Placenta Service (MAPS) Program

This program diagnoses and cares for people with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), a high-risk pregnancy complication that can lead to life-threatening bleeding after birth.


Our dedicated team focuses on expediting evaluations for patients with an abnormal neck lump, so they can get the right care as soon as possible.


UCSF established one of the Bay Area's first programs to provide donor eggs for women who haven't been able to conceive using their own. 了解更多.


Our unique telemedicine program offers consultations for patients with injuries or degenerative conditions that may benefit from regenerative therapies.


Robotic surgery is an important tool in our efforts to make medical care safer and more effective. 了解它是如何工作的.


检查乳房x光检查 are the most reliable way to detect breast cancer early, 在最容易治疗的时候.


The Spine Center at 加州大学旧金山分校健康 provides a rapid case review, 提交后48小时内, 来评估复合体, 挑战性脊柱肿瘤病例.


The UCSF Spine Center holds a monthly 脊柱肿瘤委员会 to review challenging cases involving primary tumors of the spine and that have spread to the spine.

Tinnitus Patient Management Program

The Tinnitus Patient Management Program provides a comprehensive approach to treating tinnitus, a condition characterized by a ringing in the ears or head.


Rapid whole genome sequencing can quickly detect almost any genetic issue in a fetus or baby. It’s the most comprehensive genetic test available.
