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唾 gland cancer may involve two primary glands:

  • 腮腺, 唾液腺每侧脸颊上部最大的唾液腺, 贴近耳朵, with ducts that empty into the upper inside of the cheek.
  • 下颌下腺,位于口腔底部,在靠近下门牙的地方有导管.

Our Approach to 唾 腺 癌症

加州大学旧金山分校为唾液腺癌提供尖端的诊断和治疗方案, delivered in a comfortable and supportive environment. 我们的目标是在治疗癌症的同时尽可能保留语言和吞咽功能.

为了让每位患者获得最好的治疗结果,我们的团队包括广泛的专家. These include head and neck surgeons, 耳鼻喉科专家, 医疗肿瘤学家, reconstructive surgeons and radiation oncologists, as well as experts in speech-language pathology, nutrition and psycho-oncology.

奖 & 识别

  • usnews-neurology

    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • Best in Northern California and No. 7 in the nation for cancer care

  • n7-2x

    One of the nation's best for ear, nose & 喉咙保健

  • NIH-2x

    Designated comprehensive cancer center

迹象 & 症状

这些腺体的大多数癌症以无痛的肿块出现,要么在耳前,要么在下颚. Parotid cancers are more common than submandibular cancers. Some lumps can enlarge rapidly or be painful.

Other 症状 may include facial weakness, fixation of the lump, 感觉损失, 溃疡, difficulty opening the jaw and tongue numbness or weakness.


活组织检查 is effective for diagnosis and is commonly recommended. Imaging studies including computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) help delineate the tumor extent and status of neck lymph nodes.



手术是治疗唾液腺癌的主要方法. 手术的范围取决于肿瘤的类型、大小和位置. 如果颈部淋巴结有肿瘤扩散,则进行颈部淋巴结清扫.


放射治疗, also called radiotherapy, 使用高能射线是为了破坏癌细胞并阻止它们生长吗. Like surgery, radiation therapy is local therapy. It affects only the cells in the treated area. 能量可能来自大型机器,也可能来自外部辐射.

大肿瘤患者可能需要手术和放射治疗. 放射治疗是在晚期或侵袭性肿瘤手术后进行的.


化疗 is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. 研究人员正在寻找有效的药物或药物组合来治疗唾液腺癌. 他们还在探索将化疗与其他形式的癌症治疗相结合的方法,以帮助摧毁肿瘤并防止疾病扩散.

化疗是在选定的肿瘤放射治疗的同时进行的, usually in the setting of a therapeutic clinical trial. 如果癌症已经扩散到身体的其他部位,有时建议化疗.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

FAQ: 癌症 Pathology Tissue Slides

查找有关癌症病理组织切片的常见问题, 比如如何获取幻灯片,以及获取后如何处理.

FAQ: 癌症 Radiology Scans and Reports


Self-Care for Caregivers

照顾者疲劳可能是由照顾患有严重疾病的亲人的身体和情感需求引起的. Learn tips to combat caregiver fatigue here.

Communicating with Your Doctor

十大赌博平台排行榜的关系是非常私人的,建立在沟通和信任的基础上. 在选择十大赌博平台排行榜时,你们俩之间的“化学反应”必须起作用.

Coping with 化疗

每个人经历化疗的副作用都不一样, and different chemotherapy drugs cause different side effects. 点击这里了解更多.

Delegation to Help with Fatigue

癌症治疗引起的疲劳会让人很难完成哪怕是最小的任务. Learn how task delegation can help with this fatigue.

Nutrition Plans for 癌症 病人 Undergoing Treatment

发现癌症治疗期间要遵循的营养计划. 通过营养来控制化疗的副作用,比如恶心和呕吐.

Managing Your Treatment

与癌症患者生活在一起或照顾他们可能是一份全职工作. 这里有一些减轻压力和帮助更有效地应对疾病的建议.

Nutrition and Coping with 癌症 Symptoms

癌症治疗的副作用可能会影响你的饮食模式, requiring new ways to get the calories, protein and nutrients that you need. 了解更多.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Your time with the doctor is limited, 因此,通过优先考虑对你来说重要的问题,提前做好准备是很有帮助的. 了解更多.

Resources for End of Life

加州大学旧金山分校癌症资源中心有一个丧亲互助小组的名单, 辅导员, hospice and others dealing with end-of-life issues. 了解更多.

Tips for Conserving Your Energy

癌症和癌症治疗可能伴随着极度疲劳的感觉. 为了帮助你应对这种疲劳,遵循这些简单的方法来节约能量.

Using a Medical Calendar and Symptom Log

每天或每周结束时花点时间回顾一下你的症状. You can use a calendar to track your 症状. 点击这里了解更多.

在哪里获得护理 (3)

    相关诊所 (4)


    癌症 Symptom Management

    癌症 Symptom Management


    Osher Center for Integrative Health

    Osher Center for Integrative Health

    旧金山, CA 94115


    癌症 Survivorship and Wellness Institute

    癌症 Survivorship and Wellness Institute

    See both of our 旧金山 locations.








    创造力可以帮助患有严重疾病的人应对、治愈和表达他们正在经历的事情. Find out about our program and how to join.


    癌症 Exercise Counseling

    Our one-on-one exercise training sessions, customized for your needs and abilities, 能补充其他癌症治疗并加速你的康复吗.


    癌症 Nutrition Counseling

    加州大学旧金山分校健康中心为癌症患者提供免费营养咨询, as well as nutrition seminars that are open to anyone. 了解更多.


    癌症 支持组s

    这些小组由艾达和约瑟夫朋友病人和家庭癌症支持中心提供,对所有病人都是免费的, whether or not you get your health care at UCSF.


    核心 & More Class for 癌症 病人

    A strong body helps you fight cancer and enjoy life. 加入这个课程来稳定你的核心,加强你的肌肉和提高整体健康. For cancer patients and caregivers!


    Friend to Friend Specialty Shops

    A one-stop boutique for patients with cancer. 在假发、假体、防晒服、化妆品、皮肤护理等方面寻求专业帮助.


    冥想 & Guided Imagery for 癌症 病人

    参加一个免费的课程,旨在帮助你在治疗过程中恢复、放松和找到平衡. UCSF and non-UCSF patients are welcome.


    Oncology Social Work

    社会工作者提供支持,解决问题,帮助访问加州大学旧金山分校癌症相关资源等等. Find out how to contact the social worker for your clinic.


    病人 & Family 癌症 Support Center

    The center offers wellness programming, 社区, 支持团体, 类, 为癌症患者和他们的亲人提供免费的研讨会和其他活动.


    Peer Support Programs for 癌症

    根据诊断等标准,患者与同伴支持志愿者相匹配, 癌症的阶段, 年龄或性别. Speak to someone who's "been there."
